• 阿勒泰野雪行记

  • 状态:[db:备注]
  • 类型:冒险
  • 主演:
  • 年代:
  • 地区:中国

简介:<p>  5个喜爱自驾旅行和野雪冒险的伙伴,为寻找中国最好的野雪之地,来到有人类滑雪最早起源地之称的新疆阿勒泰,和秉承古老毛皮滑雪板传统的图瓦人结伴,尝试攀登当地最高峰滑雪下山。10000年古老毛皮木板滑雪传承,5000公里西北长途跋涉,500公里边境冰雪山路,2000米垂直高差雪山,14个日夜驰聘于林海雪原……这就是《阿勒泰野雪行记》  Five road-trip and wildsnow-adventure lovers went to Altay city in Xinjiang, known as the origin of skiing, to find the place with best wildsnow in China. They partnered up with Tuvans who inherited traditional fur ski and attempted to climb up the highest local mountain and to ski downhill. 1000 years of heritage of traditional fur ski, 5000 kilometers of trekking in the northwestern, 500 kilometers of icy frontier mountain road, snow mountain with 2000-meter difference in vertical height, 14 days of patrolling in snowy forests......all of the above merged into the Altay Ski Adventure.《阿勒泰野雪行记》的别名有:Altay Ski Adventure。

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