
  • <p>  Leaving small town life in her dust, Adele(Vanessa Ray) moves wide …
  • <p>  In 2010, the rock band The National released their fifth album, Hig…
  • <p>  THIS IS HAPPENing tells the story of an estranged brother and siste…
  • <p>  Inspired by actual events, a group of 12 year old girls face a nigh…
  • <p>  如今已经年过花甲严守成(王永光 饰)好不容易将三个儿子都拉扯长大,人老心不老的他不觉又开始琢磨…
  • <p>  正青春的徒弟裘子(杜双宇 饰)和身怀绝技的大厨师父叶大岗(孙海英 饰)在游击队做炊事员。裘子人…
  • <p>  概况上来看,雷(列维·施瑞博尔 Liev Schreiber 饰)是一个通俗的中年汉子,现实上,他从事着一份…
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