
  • Diana, a young woman who lost her sight, finds a guide in a Chinese boy named Chin. Together they will tra…
  •   在哪里才有家的感觉?在施塔特阿伦多夫这个有着复杂的排斥和融合外国人历史的德国城市,和蔼可亲的老师迪特·…
  • Abi is going cold turkey, her family have taken her to a cabin in the woods so she is away from the city. …
  •   凯特和斯蒂薇不仅是好闺蜜,还一起组建乐队,平时会在凯特家的地下室练习。当凯特喜欢上酷女孩艾登,她决定帮…
  •   昔日人气歌手向东南(陈学冬 饰)一朝落魄,潦倒之际接到真人秀邀约重返高中担任音乐老师,遇上严谨认真武力…
  • Janus is a young high school student who dreams of leaving his native countryside ravaged by isolation and…
  •   《周刊女性》杂志爆料,朝日电视台将翻拍韩剧《梨泰院CLass》,将于明年的夏季档播出。  日本版将请到竹内…
  •   讲述了梦想成为网络漫画家的男主人公偶然得知自己仰慕的校花在从事援助交际而发生的故事……
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