
  • <p>  This heartwarming movie tells the story of a local war hero whose s…
  • <p>  The incredible story of the 1992 Lithuanian basketball team, whose …
  • <p>  In a small desert town just beyond the shadow of magic mountain, ch…
  • <p>  观看地址:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzUwODc0MzUy.html  “Painted Lo…
  • <p>  Los Angeles' Skid Row is home to one of the largest homeless popula…
  • <p>  A Conservative-Liberal pact responds to a financial crisis by reduc…
  • <p>  在一个毫无征兆的明媚日子里,于某高中任教的美术教师莉莉·摩尔(凯伦·科曼 Kelen Colema…
  • <p>  一对老友在公路旅行中被困沙漠,屡次求助无门酷暑难挡使他们暴力相向。
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