
  • <p>  Incensed by the tabloid culture which celebrates it, the L.A. Slash…
  • <p>  《编剧情缘》讲述了一个拿过奥斯卡奖的编剧遭遇创作瓶颈,他不得不离开荷里活去东海岸教授编剧写作…
  • <p>  An overgrown nerd who serves as Grand Master of a fantasy board gam…
  • <p>  When former comedian Mark McCarthy is faced with a rare form of can…
  • <p>  16岁的丹尼在相依为命的母亲去世后前往希腊,与18岁的哥哥一起寻找生父。丹尼是同性恋者,也是没有…
  • <p>  《憨憨公主的心思》原名Connasse, princesse des coeurs,又名憨直公主的心,是一部来自法国的喜剧…
  • <p>  Marco Vasquez and his family have seen tragedy and despair througho…
  • <p>  在一次离奇的案件行动中,警察马进(谢霆锋 饰)击毙连环杀手“将军”(高伟光 饰),却被对方射穿…
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